
Serving people, Strengthening families & Building communities

Disaster Case Management Program

Contact Us


Disaster Case Managers
Priscilla Rincon, ext 835
Patricia Elliott, ext 881
Adam Toler, ext 885
Intake & Referral Specialists

Catherine Cruse, ext 883
Disaster Construction Cost Analyst
Dan Litchfield, ext 834

PRS offers a variety of immediate, short-term and long-term assistance to survivors of natural disasters, including the Dixie Fire of 2021. Our Disaster Resource Management staff can assist you with clarifying your needs, identifying resources and assistance to meet those needs, and applying for aid, as appropriate. You guide the process in terms of what help you would like to access. Assistance available can include, but is not limited to:

  • household goods, clothing and emergency food
  • heating assistance and supplies to insulate living arrangements against the elements
  • names and contact information for organizations providing additional support
  • connections and referrals to other PRS and non-PRS services (including those not specific to disaster recovery)
  • simple and complex case management to support those looking to rebuild their homes and their lives after a disaster
  • assistance navigating local, state and federal aid programs

Our staff is local, connected to the community, well trained, and trauma-informed. This means they offer their help with an understanding of the area, what our communities have gone through, and an approach that promotes healing and recovery.

Disaster Case Managers(DCM) are available on-site at the
Dixie Fire Resource Center(DFRC)
 Tuesday to Friday, 10am - 3pm


To reach a DCM after DFRC hours
call 530-283-2735 ext. 832
If this is an Emergency after 5pm call
Plumas County Crisis Line # 530-283-4333


Construction Cost Analyst

Dan Litchfield, the Disaster Case Management Program’s Construction Cost Analyst, will be holding office hours at the DFRC Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM, effective immediately. During office hours, those working to rebuild may receive support in understanding the permitting process, reviewing the checklist outlining the permit process, finding a contractor, reviewing contractor bids, etc.

Dan will also conduct site visits to better answer project-specific questions. He will also meet with those needing his assistance by appointment. You can make an appointment with Dan by calling 530-283-2735, ext. 834 or emailing dlitchfield@plumasruralservices.org.

Click below for a list of local, licensed contractors from the Contractors State License Board.

Dixie Fire Recovery Housing Guide

The Dixie Fire Recovery Housing Guide is now available here. Prepared by OpenScope Studio, the Housing Guide will be updated as new information is available. Current version: 2/6/23.

Read More

Affected by the Dixie fire? Looking for ways to help or find help? Join the Dixie Fire

Resource Center (DFRC) Facebook Group page.


Dixie Fire Information