
Serving people, Strengthening families & Building communities

You Are Not Alone

Plumas Rural Services’ Domestic Violence Services is designed to serve any person that identifies as a victim of domestic violence within an intimate partner relationship regardless of their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, or religious beliefs. We serve both Plumas and Sierra Counties. 

Domestic Violence Services offers several services for victims and their children. Please see below for a more detailed list of services provided to Plumas and Sierra residents.

We are located at 711 E. Main Street in Quincy, CA. Office hours are Monday thru Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm. 

After hours, call the local crisis hotline number at 1-833-723-2968If it is an emergency please call 911 

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Domestic Violence Services

Contact Us

(530) 283-5675

Sarah Holcomb, ext. 867
Interim Program Coordinator

Michelle Greco, ext. 889
Domestic Violence Case Manager

Julie Hatzell, ext. 832
Trauma Recovery Practitioner

Elisia McClure, ext. 886
Shelter/Case Manager


Amazon Wishlist

Support Domestic Violence Services by donating through our wishlist. Your purchases  will go directly to DV survivors in Plumas County.

PRS is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization; call 530-283-5675 if you would like a receipt for your tax-deductible donation.

Video Content

Shifting the Lens on Domestic Violence

Connect the Dots

Shifting the Lens on Domestic Violence


Shifting the Lens on Domestic Violence

For more Connect the Dots past webinars

Training Video Library


For Future Webinars 

Connect the Dots


Safety Planning

 We understand the importance of physical and emotional safety of survivors and their families. Program staff utilizes a safety planning tool to assist survivors who are at risk.

For more information on how to create a safety plan for you and your family, please contact our office to speak with an advocate.

Safety Plan pdf  / Spanish pdf

Legal Advocacy

Program staff are not attorneys and cannot give legal advice. Case Managers can assist those seeking domestic violence restraining orders against an intimate partner. Many times, survivors can get lost in the complexity of the paperwork and legal process involved in obtaining restraining orders and emergency custody/visitation orders. Staff will submit paperwork, assist with service, and are available to provide court accompaniment and support.


Program staff can provide transportation for residential and non-residential participants to necessary appointments as needed.

Case Management

Our Case Managers help participants with obtaining housing, benefits, legal services, counseling, and employment. They help with transportation needs, attending court hearings, obtaining important records, and accompanying participants at medical and non-medical appointments. Case Managers will work with outreach (non-shelter) participants in the main office located at 711 E. Main Street in Quincy, setting up case plans, helping with goal setting, and promoting self-empowerment.

Emergency Food & Clothing

We can assist with emergency clothing. Oftentimes, survivors need to flee their homes in a hurry. We are also able to assist with groceries and hygiene products for those who do not have the resources. Our Case Managers can assist clients with accessing local resources through CAN (Community Assistance Network) and through the Plumas County Department of Social Services to obtain EBT and/or TANF benefits (if applicable).

Temporary Emergency Housing

PRS DVS can offer temporary emergency sheltering services for individuals and their children who need to remove themselves for safety reasons from domestic violence. As family pets can also be at risk of violence, our shelter is pet friendly, upon approval.

Paraprofessional Counseling Services

 Plumas Rural Services Domestic Violence Services offers Zoom sessions to participants, at no charge, to help individuals. We offer individual supportive healing services for adults and children by Plumas Rural Services’ Trauma Recovery Practitioner, Julie Hatzell, and Mindful Living Coordinator, Leslie Wall.

Trauma Recovery & Education

Mindful Living

Domestic Violence FAQ

Intimate partner violence, or IPV, is when a person is physically, emotionally, psychologically, and/or verbally aggressed upon by their intimate partner. It is when one partner exerts their power and control over the other. The term “intimate partner” refers to both current and former spouses and dating partners, and parents of a child in common. Intimate partner violence or IPV affects millions around the world – all identifying genders, sexual orientations, ages, religions, races and ethnicities, economic classes, and educational backgrounds.

There are several Red Flags pdf (Spanish pdf) to consider if you believe you may be in an abusive relationship.

  • Isolation from friends and family members
  • Extreme jealousy of others
  • Restricts access to needed medical or mental health services and employment
  • Withholds, controls, monitors finances
  • Demeans, puts down, shames, and/or degrades you
  • Boasts superiority over you; makes you feel inferior
  • Forces and pressures unwanted sex
  • Causes fear of emotional/physical safety
  • Endangers children
  • Threats of self-harm, harm to you, family, friends, and pets if you leave/try to leave
  • Threats of taking children
  • Anger/intimidation; mood swings, shouting/yelling/screaming, hitting wall, throwing/kicking, intentional loud noises, silent treatment
  • Jealousy; accusations of infidelity
  • Searches through personal belongings (i.e. purse, phone or car)
  • Name calling and insults
  • Gaslighting; attempts to make you feel “crazy” with statements like “you’re crazy” or “you’re being irrational”
  • Asserts control of your life (i.e. clothing, relationships, social media, phone) 

If any of these red flag warnings apply to you or a loved one, Plumas Rural Services Domestic Violence Services may be able to help.


  • Pushing
  • Shoving
  • Spitting
  • Hitting/Slapping
  • Strangulation/choking


  • Intimidation
  • Coercion
  • Degrading language
  • Manipulation
  • Public humiliation
  • Threats of physical harm to self, others, and/or pets
  • Gaslighting or intentionally creating confusion and insecurity through distorted and untrue statements to make the victim feel “crazy”
  • Threats of using immigration status


  • Controls finances
  • Withholding access to money or limiting access to funds
  • Keeping financial secrets or hidden accounts
  • Putting the victim on an allowance
  • Requires victim disclose any income made/spent
  • Interference with employment so they cannot work or have minimal work hours


  • Any abusive language used to disparage, embarrass, harass, or threaten
  • Threats to hurt or kill the victim, their children, family, friends, and/or pets
  • Threats to destroy property or reputation
  • Name calling
  • Telling the victim that they are unattractive, undesirable, and they are lucky to have them because no one else would want them
  • Yelling, screaming, rampaging, terrorizing, or giving the silent treatment

 Sexual Abuse:

  • Use of force, coercion, guilt, or manipulation to engage in intimacy
  • Making the victim have sex with others, have unwanted sexual experiences, or be involuntarily involved in prostitution
  • Exploiting a victim who is incapacitated and unable to make an informed decision about sexual activity due to being asleep, intoxicated, drugged, disabled, too young, too old, or dependent upon or afraid of the perpetrator
  • Laughing or making fun of another’s sexuality or body, making offensive statements, insulting, or name-calling in relation to the victim’s sexual preferences/behavior
  • Nonconsensual sexual contact through unwanted penetration or touching on any part of the victim’s body

Those who abuse, do so to gain or maintain power and control over another. Often those who abuse believe their own feelings and needs take priority over their partners and act out in inappropriate and sometimes unsafe ways. There is a consistent pattern of tactful behaviors that break down the partner's until they have a belief of inferiority to them. There may be a belief that they have the “right” to have power and control over another, and at times even feel enjoyment over it. There are many reasons “why” individuals behave in abusive ways toward their partners.

 English  Spanish



The biggest question people ask is, “Why do they stay?” There are several reasons why victims of intimate partner violence stay in a relationship. There are economic, geographical, familial, and safety reasons why people stay in these relationships. The lack of resources and inability to live on one's own are also reasons to stay. The threat of taking custody of the children often plays a role. Harming the family pets is a significant deterrent to leaving. Statistically, the most dangerous time for a victim and their children is the leaving phase of the relationship. It is not uncommon that the abusive partner may escalate, potentially resorting to violence when their partner decides to leave the relationship. Leaving an abusive partner takes away their power and control. 

[Why domestic violence victims don't leave | TED Talk video]

In any intimate partnership, it is normal to experience ups and downs.  However, a healthy relationship fosters mutual respect, open communication, teamwork and should feel safe. Opposite of the Power and Control Wheel is the Equality Wheel that illustrates what a safe, healthy relationship should have.

 English  Spanish



All relationships fall somewhere between healthy and abusive along the relationship spectrum. Where does your relationship fall?



Everyone deserves to be in a safe and healthy relationship. Do you know if your relationship is healthy?

Take the Healthy Relationship Quiz provided by www.loveisrespect.org

You can also download the pdf version here

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