
Serving people, Strengthening families & Building communities


Nature Made

Contact Us


Paula Johnston,
Executive Director, ext. 875


Administrative Offices
711 East Main Street, Quincy, CA 95971 google-map-vsmall-0001.png 

Wild Plumas
1323 Wolf Creek Road, Greenville, CA 95947  google-map-vsmall-0001.png




Nature Made provides monthly outdoor youth programming in Indian Valley to promote resilience, instill hope, and create positive connections for K-12 kids. Each event will have a variety of stations for kids to cycle through during a 6-hour day. Stations may include nature walks/meditations, craft projects, gold panning, the low ropes course, wall climbing, youth mindfulness, and a Wilderness First Aid course, among others. 






Plumas Rural Services is partnering with a collection of individuals, businesses and organizations in Indian Valley to build and sustain the Nature Made program. Wild Plumas, a 40-acre natural space in Indian Valley, is leading the community-based effort. Some of the monthly events will be held at Wild Plumas and others will be at Copper Creek Camp in Indian Valley once its low ropes course is rebuilt. 



The collaborative Nature Made program was born of an interest in providing the youth of Indian Valley with something to look forward to, a way to connect to caring adults in their community, tangible interactions with the natural setting around them even as it, too, recovers, and a sense of not just survival in the aftermath of the Dixie Fire, but of thriving. 

Lunch and a snack are provided to youth participants. Pre-registration is required. 



Registration Form is closed.

This initial registration form must be completed by the parent/guardian only one time per child that will attend. If your child will be attending for the first time on August 10th, you only need to complete this form. If your child attended the June or July event, you will need to complete the monthly form below.

The deadline is August 2nd.

Need assistance with these forms?

Call Natasha Griffin at  530-283-2735 extension 102


Email at ngriffin+forms@plumasruralservices.org