Life is not a straight linear path. We don't get from there to here without experiencing a few twists, turns, and major hurdles to overcome. Our journeys often get complicated, messy, and sometimes overwhelming. We navigate as best we can, bumping up against things that don't work well for us, and then we learn, grow, and discover ways to adapt...or we don't. The practice of mindfulness is one of the ways we can learn to adapt and go with the flow.
No one's life is perfect. Yet, somehow, we can also experience moments of elation, deep gratitude, and hope that propels us forward into an always expanding future. It was the mindful discovery of the moment of now that changed everything for me...and what inspires me to share the pearls I've gathered along the way.
Since earning my Certifications in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction/Cognitive Therapy, I've had the unique pleasure of sharing mindful strategies and techniques with a variety of people. From the nine-year old struggling to make sense of a newly masked world that no longer touches; to the 40-something who finds themselves suddenly without their life partner and grasping to find themselves when they are no longer who they were; to the 85 year old who is discovering themselves and for the first time professing genuine self-love. Over the years of parenting classes and private sessions, I’ve witnessed the profound personal transformation and awakened awareness in countless overwhelmed parents, grandparents, and caregivers.
When life twists, turns, and major hurdles appear, I've found my personal mindfulness practice to be a vital anchor to maintaining daily balance, grounding, and emotional awareness. I recognize not everyone is ready for an 8-week course exploring the concepts of mindfulness, and even committing to weekly private sessions may seem overwhelming. So, it is my hope these brief Mindful Moments will bridge the gap between 'not ready yet' and 'I need something useful right now'.
Our lives are lived in the moments, and we can greatly enhance our ability to experience joy, contentment, and even glimmers of peace when we develop our awareness and notice those moments. These tidbits of information are intended to spark your interest, remind you of what you already know, and validate your intuition. They are only an introduction to a life-changing practice that is as simple as noticing this moment of now and becoming curious about the next moment, and the next.
Begin where you are!
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