
Serving people, Strengthening families & Building communities


DV Case Manager-Shelter Specialist

The DVS program provides counseling, legal assistance, emergency shelter, housing and job search assistance, food, clothing and transportation for survivors of domestic abuse and their children. Under broad supervision, the Domestic Violence Shelter Specialist works directly with clients and their children at the emergency shelter. Services to clients include the 14 shelter-based standards set by California law. Domestic Violence Case Manager works directly with clients and their children ensuring the implementation and success of their case plan.

Please submit a resume, cover letter and Plumas Rural Services application to Ashlee Johnston. This position will remain open for applications until filled. Postmarks do not qualify. An application and full job description can be obtained by calling 530-283-2735 ext. 873, by coming by our office at 711 E. Main St. in Quincy or accessing our website at www.plumasruralservices.org EOE/AA.

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